About the Project
Summary Report Training Workshop on “How to conduct the experimental work in Chemistry laboratory and Strengthen Theoretical Methodology” On 29-30 May, 2015, The Cambodian Chemical Society (CCS) cooperated with the Pailin Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports organized a training workshop to Junior and High School Chemistry Teachers at the School Resource Center (SRC), located in the Hun Sen Pailin Krong Tepnimith High School. This training workshop was supported by the International Science Program (ISP) group in the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). The Training Workshop aims to introduce both Theoretical and Experimental Methods according to the secondary chemistry curriculum (grade 7 to 12) to the teachers in order to support them with proper capacity to demonstrate the Chemical experiments in their own laboratories. The Training Workshop also aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning Chemistry to students in Junior and High schools and encourage them to admire to study Chemistry. Training workshop to chemistry teachers at Pailin province on 29-30 May, 2015. There were 29 (8females) chemistry teachers from various Junior and High schools in Pailin province attended this two days training. The Director of the Pailin Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports and Dr. Sieng Huy, CCS’s Executive Director were presidencies in the opening ceremony. The following chemistry lessons and experimental topics were introduced to the participants: 1. Safety in Laboratory and the basic uses of glassware 2. Junior High School teachers program: a) The determination of Density of Matter b) Separation of mixtures (sand, iron, salt…) c) Preparation and Identification of some important gases such as H2, O2, CO2. d) Identification of Acid- Base. 3. High school teachers program: a) Decomposition of NaHCO3 by heating b) Oxidation-Reduction Reactions c) Observation of the reaction between Na and water. d) Reaction between metals and acid, chemical activation of metals e) Titration weak acid and strong base f) Soap preparation. In the afternoon of May 30, 2015, CCS’s working group has showed about one of Young Ambassador of Chemistry program( how to make hair gel) to all teachers and the public. There were more than 50 students from high school in Pailin joining the event. They were very interested and very happy to produce hair gel. The training workshop has successfully been finished at 5.00pm on 30th May, 2015. Participants were very happy with what they have learned and experienced in the training and they suggested having more this valuable training, especially for Chemistry teachers at the very rural area of the country.